Set Up Demographics:

When you first login to your new MyACG Portal, you will be directed to your profile. We recommend you double check all items on your profile as well and add as much detail as you are comfortable.


If you aren’t automatically directed to your My Profile page, click “Manage My Profile” in the left menu, or the “My Contact Profile” red button in the main heading.


ACG Demographics is a new categorization but has been used at DealMAX previously. This is replacing the “Individual Type” you may have seen in the past. We are certain this will give better details for all members and event attendees to help with networking.


There are 4 items within the Demographics:

  1. Firm Type – you will not be able to change this later, please choose carefully!
  2. Firm Category
  3. Function Type
  4. Function Category


Firm Type:

This is the category your company falls into. (Example: A company that’s main focus is legal work should be considered a Law Firm.)


Firm Category:

This is how your company designates itself in the market. (Example: A law firm that practices in only a few states could be considered a Regional Law Firm.)


Function Type:

This is the category you fall into. (Example: You are Corporate Development within a Law Firm; therefore, you might categorize yourself as Corporate/Strategic Buyer.)

Note: We expect most people will fall into the same Firm and Function types, so most will match.


Function Category:

This is how you designate yourself in the market. (Example: You are a practicing lawyer for your firm in multiple areas, but you also focus on business development. You would choose: Law Firm – Business Dev/Marketing; Law Firm – Finance & Restructuring; Law Firm – Other; and others that apply.)

Note: You can select all that apply here.


Before clicking save on your profile, please double check your Demographic selections. You will not be able to change Firm Type after saving. You will be able to update the other demographics in your profile.