Add in Saved Payment Details:

After logging in to your MyACG Portal, you’ll need to update any Saved Payment methods. This way, you have the ability to Auto-Renew or can purchase memberships and/or events without re-entering a credit card each time.


Once you log in to the portal, click “Saved Payments” under My Financial Overview, or “Make a Payment” in the left menu.


Under Your Credit & Debit Cards, click the link “Add a credit or debit card”.


Add in all the credit card details:

  • Card Number
  • Name on Card (will pre-populate with the account name - double check this is correct)
  • Expiration Date
  • Billing Address (your preferred address may pre-populate – double check it’s the correct billing address for your card)
  • CVV/Security Code


Confirm the “Securely save this card on my account for later use” is checked with the blue check mark.


Once all items are included, click “Save Card”.